Salesforce Services

Zensark empowers businesses with an unparalleled 360-degree view of their consumers and operations.
AI Powered SFA

Revolutionizing with Data: A Competitive Edge

At Zensark, we transform organizations of all sizes by harnessing data’s immense power. Our innovative solutions boost efficiency, foster innovation, and provide a competitive edge in today’s digital era.

We democratize data access, enabling informed decisions and exceptional customer experiences. With cutting-edge platforms, analytics tools, and expert guidance, we’re your trusted partner for data-driven success.

Our passionate data experts drive innovation and uphold ethical practices, shaping a future where data powers progress. Together, let’s unlock data’s full potential for a brighter, data-driven tomorrow.

​​Our offering includes

  • Prebuilt Data brews
  • Solution Accelerators
  • Products

Our Salesforce Services

Zensark leverages the power of the #1 Industry Cloud - to drive data-backed decisions and outpace the competition. Our cutting-edge solutions are designed to offer 360-degree view of your consumers and operations. Partner with us to harness your data's full potential, lead the way in today's dynamic market to unlock new opportunities for personalized solutions that cater to your unique business needs.

Z-Series Product Offerings

Product Intelligence

  • Productivity Tools: Streamline tasks with AI-powered email drafting, agenda suggestions, and data summarization.
  • Conversational Interface: Access Salesforce data in plain English for improved usability.
  • Research: Gain valuable insights into key accounts, industries, and decision-makers.
  • Product Intelligence: Empower salespeople with AI-driven, in-depth product knowledge

Revenue Intelligence

  • Intelligence: –Data mart of leading, lagging sales metrics – Personalized alerts, insights, benchmarks – Natural language for quick comprehension
  • Collaboration​:  Private, shared and public groups – Enhanced coaching and communication – Faster access to insights and actions
  • Salesforce Embedded​: No additional login needed – Embedded best practices and security – Faster interactions and experience

Performance Intelligence

  • Proactively scans critical user journeys in Sales Cloud, Service Cloud, Industry Cloud, and Experience Cloud for key performance KPIs related to all your customizations.
  • Utilizes Apex, SOQL, LWC, Aura, Event Monitoring Logs to gather comprehensive data.
  • Generates actionable insights empowering your IT Organization to proactively enhance customer experience.

Prebuilt Data Solution

Industries Customer 360

  • Prebuilt metrics that provides a comprehensive 360-degree view of your customers aggregated across all digital channels, aimed at driving efficiencies in Sales and Service.
  • Industry specific metrics Financial Services, Communications, Media, Telecom, Healthcare, and Life Sciences
  • Repository of prebuilt marketing metrics
  • Single Customer View by merging data for personalized interactions.
  • Real time data procesisng to drive Real Time Personalziation
  • Segmentation and Targeting across multiple engagement channels
  • Compliance and Security
Streaming Data Analytics
  • Real-time insights from continuous data processing.
  • Event-based triggers for proactive actions.
  • Design system for handling large volumes of data.
  • Integrate with AI/ML for real-time predictions.
  • Data visualization for easy interpretation.
  • Industry speciality – IoT, Finance, Cybersecurity, and Healthcare.

Artifical Intelligence

  • Provides a collection of pre-trained models and algorithms for tasks like computer vision, text analytics, predictive analytics, fraud detection, and personalized recommendations, accessible through Amazon Web Services.
  • B2C propensity scores, insights, and predictions.
  • B2B lead prediction and account scoring.
  • Customer churn and conversion predictions at the individual level with explanations.

Data Lake

  • Domain Data: Industry-specific data crucial for analysis and decision-making.
  • Data Modelling: Structuring data to represent entities, relationships, and processes.
  • Data Backup & Archive: Protecting data with copies for recovery and long-term retention.
  • Expertise in building Data Lake on AWS , Snowflake, Salesforce Data Cloud & Databricks

Salesforce Accelerator

Salesforce_Application Architecture
Application Architecture
  • Data Model Design: Structuring custom objects, fields, and relationships for effective data management.
  • Business Logic: Defining rules, validations, workflows, and automation to meet business needs.
  • User Interface Design: Creating intuitive interfaces using Salesforce Lightning and Visualforce.
  • Security: Implementing measures to protect data, control access, and ensure compliance.
  • Customization and Extensibility: Tailoring solutions through Apex and Lightning Web Components.
Salesforce_Integration Architecture
Integration Architecture
  • Integration Strategy: Aligning integration with business goals, understanding system architecture and data flow.
  • API Integration: Utilizing Salesforce APIs for connectivity with external systems.
  • Middleware and ETL: Leveraging platforms like MuleSoft or Informatica for complex integrations.
  • Data Mapping: Ensuring data integrity by mapping fields between Salesforce objects and external systems.
  • Real-time and Batch Integration: Implementing immediate and scheduled data exchange processes.
  • Message Queues: Designing message queues and subscriptions for asynchronous communication.
  • Security: Implementing secure integration practices, complying with data protection regulations.
  • Monitoring: Setting up tools, logs, and dashboards to track performance and troubleshoot issues.
Salesforce_Data Strategy
Data Strategy
  • Data Governance: Policies and standards for data quality, security, and compliance.
  • Data Architecture: Scalable design aligned with business requirements.
  • Data Integration: Seamless data exchange with external systems.
  • Data Migration: Execution of strategies for accurate transitions.
  • Data Quality Management: Ensuring high-quality data through cleansing and enrichment.
  • Data Analytics: Utilizing Salesforce tools for insights and decision-making.
  • Data Privacy: Protecting data with privacy measures and access controls.
  • Data Retention: Managing data lifecycle and storage through policies and archival strategies.
  • Data Strategy: Aligning with business goals for growth and efficiency.
Salesforce_Identity & Security
Identity & Security
  • Identity Management: Controlling user access based on roles and responsibilities, including authentication, SSO, MFA, and identity federation.
  • Access Controls: Implementing mechanisms like RBAC, permission sets, and security rules to enforce data security policies and limit data access.
  • Authentication Methods: Configuring secure and seamless user login experiences using various authentication methods.
  • User Provisioning: Automating user lifecycle management processes for efficient onboarding and offboarding.
  • Identity Verification: Verifying user identities to prevent unauthorized access and enhance security.
  • Data Encryption: Protecting sensitive data at rest and in transit using encryption techniques.
  • Data Masking: Obfuscating sensitive information to protect data privacy while maintaining usability.
  • Key Management: Encryption key management for secure data encryption and decryption.
  • Compliance and Auditing: Ensuring regulatory compliance, conducting audits, and enhancing security posture.
Salesforce_Environment Strategy
Environment Strategy
  • Environment Types: Define and identify Salesforce environments, including Sandbox, Scratch, and Production environments.
  • Development Environment: Set up a dedicated environment for building and customizing Salesforce applications.
  • Testing Environment: Establish separate environments for thorough testing of changes before deployment.
  • Staging Environment: Create a production-like environment for final testing and validation.
  • Production Environment: Manage and monitor the live environment where end users interact with the application.
  • Data Management: Develop strategies for managing data across environments, ensuring compliance and data security.
  • Governance and Access Control: Implement policies, controls, and best practices for secure and efficient environment management.
  • Environment Synchronization: Ensure consistency and integrity using tools for metadata, code, and data synchronization.
  • Backup and Recovery: Establish backup, disaster recovery, and data retention strategies.
  • Environment Optimization: Optimize environments for performance, scalability, and cost-effectiveness.
Salesforce_Scale & Performance (1)
Scale & Performance
  • Scalability: Plan for growth by considering platform limits, data partitioning, and concurrent users.
  • Performance Monitoring: Track KPIs and optimize using monitoring tools.
  • Code Optimization: Enhance efficiency with best practices in Apex, SOQL, and workflows.
  • Data Model: Improve performance through efficient design, indexing, and partitioning.
  • Caching: Implement caching mechanisms to reduce server round-trips.
  • API Optimization: Minimize latency and improve integration performance.
  • Governor Limits: Adhere to Salesforce limits and optimize code.
  • UI Optimization: Enhance user experience with efficient UI design.
  • Batch Processing: Utilize asynchronous processing for improved responsiveness.
  • Load Testing: Identify bottlenecks, simulate heavy loads, and optimize for peak performance.


Technology Stack

Our Clients

Our Leadership Team

Manmohan Jain

Chief Executive Officer

Mahanthi Gangadhar

Chief Technology Officer

Advisory Team

Robert Pickeral

Certified Technical Architect | Vice President at

Matt Meyers

Certified Technical Architect | Managing partner at Adaptus LLC

Narayana Rao Sripada

Founder/Director at Salcit Technologies

Khushboo Gupta

Experienced Public Sector Leader

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Salesforce (#28)
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Our dedicated AI specialists will tailor a demo to your specific needs, showcasing how generative and predictive AI can be implemented to unlock real-world results.